This year I went to the annual Date Festival in Indio, CA. I thought it was going to be a festival revolving around dates. I was expecting a ton of venders serving up their date dishes like dates wrapped in prosciutto or date stuffed chicken breast but instead I found a county fair. A midway of rides, a ton of street car venders for funnel cakes and BBQ, a petting zoo and even a concert arena. It took the Mr. and I about an hour to locate the date section and all it was was one fold out table with someone selling bags of dates and date shakes. So of course, driving the hour and forty five minutes to get there, we bought a bag of dates and date shakes to go and headed over tot he petting zoo where I spent about 30 minutes cooing over the animals. Yup, the Date Festival was nothing like I pictured but I wound up with an addiction to date shakes and a bag of dates to take home, so the night wasn't completely wasted.
When I first got my bag of dates they were gritty and not all that sweet, unlike the guy promised. Fast forward a couple of months of them sitting in the fridge, they developed sugar crystals and became very sweet. My first thought upon seeing this was milkshakes. So I got to work making a shake, dropped in a handful of pitted dates, blended it together and I had the $5 date shake that I bought at the festival. Now normally I'm a Neapolitan shake kind of girl but there is just something about the sugary date that really makes the vanilla milkshake pop.
- 1/2 c. milk
- 1 c. vanilla ice cream
- 5 dates, pitted
- Blend together until smooth.

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